Describe someone you know who has great character. How have they influenced your life?
Summary: Cru®’s founder Bill Bright often said, “We can trace all of our human problems to our view of God.” The most important truths for a Christian to internalize are an accurate view of the character and nature of God. God’s character is more vast and powerful than we can ever hope to understand, but he gives glimpses into some of his characteristics through his Word.
Read Jeremiah 29:10-13 and ask the following questions:
1. What do you like about this passage?
2. What do you find uncomfortable or difficult to understand in this passage?
3. What appears to be the main idea emphasized in this passage? (Look for repeated words or ideas.)
Consider how the following passages increase our understanding of this topic:
Read Jeremiah 32:17.
Read John 14:15-18.
Read James 1:5.
Read 1 Chronicles 29:11-13.
Read Exodus 15:11.
Read Psalm 50:4-6.
Read 1 John 4:7-12.
How would you describe the love God is and has?
How can knowing God and God’s love impact your life?
Read Psalm 89:8.
Read James 1:17.
4. What are the beliefs and values promoted in these passages?
5. What do they reveal about our human condition and God’s response?
6. How are these beliefs and values similar or different from those that have influenced you? (such as your family, culture, peers, church, etc.)
7. How might our faith increase and our lives change as we embrace what is true and important?
8. In light of what we’ve discussed, how can we pray for each other right now?
Since we last met, what happened as a result of expressing Christ’s love to others?
How can you, or we, express Christ’s love to others this week?
Here are a few ideas:
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