
The Surrendered Life of a Disciple

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Describe something you’ve done that you were afraid of, but was worth the risk.


Summary: Our continual surrender to Christ is foundational to discovering the purpose and adventure God intends for our lives.

Read Romans 12:1-3 and ask the following questions:

1. What do you like about this passage?

2. What do you find uncomfortable or difficult to understand in this passage?

3. What appears to be the main idea emphasized in this passage? (Look for repeated words or ideas.)

Consider how the following passages increase our understanding of this topic:

Read Philippians 3:1-14.

  • How would you describe Paul’s desire to know Christ?
  • Why was Paul so willing to consider everything a loss?
  • What do you think helps Paul have such a strong faith day-to-day?

Read Luke 9:18-26.

  • What do you think Jesus meant when He said that to be His disciple they must “deny themselves, take up their cross daily and follow me?” (New International Version)
  • What do people gain by living for themselves?
  • What do people gain by living for Jesus?
  • In your own words, what does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?
  • What do you find most difficult about being a disciple of Jesus?
  • What hinders you from doing what he asks you to do? From going where he sends you? From saying what he wants you to say?

4. What are the beliefs and values promoted in these passages?

5. What do they reveal about our human condition and God’s response?

6. How are these beliefs and values similar or different from those that have influenced you? (such as your family, culture, peers, church, etc.)

7. How might our faith increase and our lives change as we embrace what is true and important?

8. In light of what we’ve discussed, how can we pray for each other right now?


Since we last met, what happened as a result of expressing Christ’s love to others?

How can you, or we, express Christ’s love to others this week?

Here are a few ideas:

  • Pray God would meet their deepest needs.
  • Help meet a felt need they have.
  • Encourage them with a text, note or verbally.
  • Give them a thoughtful gift or buy them coffee.
  • Invite them to do something fun or meaningful.
  • Listen to their story.
  • Explore their thoughts on the gospel.



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