What We Do

A community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ.

Cru® is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ.

Our purpose is to help fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith, and sending them to win and build others.

We help the body of Christ do evangelism and discipleship in a variety of creative ways.

Cru® offers spiritual guidance, resources and programs tailored to people from all cultures in every walk of life. Here are some of them.

  • Campus ministries in 900 locations engage more than 36,000 students and faculty members on U.S. middle school, high school, and college campuses.



  • City ministries serve in over 360 cities and partner with thousands of churches and organizations to uniquely restore every community with the good news of Jesus. City missionaries work in a broad range of contexts — from prisons to the halls of Congress, from artists’ studios to military bases — in a united effort to see our society made new.
  • Cru’s Inner City ministry is living out the Great Commandment and Great Commission with churches in the inner city. We serve with more than 900 inner-city churches passionate about boldly proclaiming the good news of Jesus and ministering to the practical needs of those experiencing poverty.


  • FamilyLife® has helped families grow together and impact their corner of the world for over 40 years. More than 4 million people in 109 countries have attended their Weekend to Remember® marriage getaways and nearly 100 million people have listened to their daily radio programs, FamilyLife Today® and Real FamilyLife®. FamilyLife also helps families pursue the relationships that matter most through FamilyLife.com, the FamilyLife app, and a variety of biblical resources including their Art of Marriage® small group study.
  • Athletes in Action®, Cru’s sports ministry, has outreaches in more than 70 countries, including at 225 college campuses and with many professional sports teams in the U.S. Roughly 300,000 guests are expected to visit the campus each year with the grand opening of the John Wooden Family Fieldhouse at the AIA Sports Complex (located in southwest Ohio) in 2024.




  • Cru Military® has ministered to military members and sent multiplying disciples in the U.S. and worldwide since 1965. Cru Military partners with military chaplains, local churches and foreign military commands to serve and assist in their efforts to attend to the spiritual needs of the military communities under their care.
  • The “JESUS” film has been shown in more than 2,400 languages and in every nation in the world. To date, Jesus Film Project® is responsible for more than 8 billion exposures to the gospel and more than 633 million total estimated decisions for Christ.


  • Unto®, the humanitarian ministry of Cru, accomplishes its mission through three programs: food and agriculture, clean water, and critical aid. For nearly 30 years, Unto has leveraged strategic global partnerships and the service of dedicated volunteers to relieve suffering through humanitarian aid in more than 50 countries.



Cru was originally founded as Campus Crusade for Christ® in 1951, when Bill and Vonette Bright began the ministry on the UCLA campus. God gave Bill a vision of the total fulfillment of the Great Commission throughout the world. We are only a part of God’s workforce to accomplish that vision, but we are passionate about playing our part and helping others play theirs. From the beginning, we have sought to be a caring community on mission together.

Lives Changed by the Gospel

During Bill Bright’s first talk at a sorority, he invited 60 students to enter into a relationship with Christ, and 30 became new believers. Within a few months, 250 students were involved in the ministry.



Our goal is to give everyone an opportunity to know someone who truly follows Jesus.

Meaningful Relationships



Cru is committed to helping proclaim the gospel throughout the world. Our mission of winning, building and sending often occurs best in the context of relationships. Even when the initial proclamation comes from outside a community, typically the gospel continues to spread among family members, friends, neighbors and peers. When the woman at the well heard from Jesus, she ran to tell others, “Come and see” (John 4:29, NLT).

We want to equip you as you share your faith with those in your community. You can find valuable tools to bring Christ into every area of life.

Significant Opportunities



There are thousands of opportunities through Cru to be involved in the Great Commission. From summer mission trips for students, to a week of helping pack supplies for needy families overseas, Cru is continually looking for new ways to engage people with the gospel.

How Can We Help You Today?



As we seek to create spiritual movements everywhere, we are also committed to helping you reach your community with the message of God’s love.

Find tools and articles that will equip you as you seek to tell others about Christ.


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