From the National Director

The Turning Point

1995 marked the start of my full-time ministry with Cru Singapore. What began as an initial 3-year commitment was extended by 3 years, and then another 3... Looking back, I am thankful for this extremely rewarding 25-year journey of faith with God.

In 2019, when I was invited by the Cru Asia Ltd (CAL) Board to consider leading our organisation into its next season, I sought God for a very clear direction through an extended season of fasting and praying.

It was then that the word “HINENI (הנני)” came providentially to me. “Hineni” is Hebrew for “Here I am” or “Here am I”. It appears 178 times in the Hebrew Bible and is uttered most often in response to God, such as when:

  • Moses responded to God at the burning bush;
  • Samuel answered all 3 times when God called;
  • Abraham replied God when asked to offer his only son as a sacrifice;
  • Isaiah offered himself willingly when God asked who would go for Him

In almost every instance the word “Hineni” appears, there was a turning point and potentially life-changing moment for the individual who received the call. It required the person who received it to make a decision or take an action.

By responding with “Hineni”, the person is saying:

I heard your call. While I may not fully understand what you are asking of me, I am ready to follow. I recognise that, though obedience is challenging, it is most important.”

In deciding to take on this leadership role, I had a deep sense that God was inviting me to respond this way as well.

This was not my first encounter with this sense,as I had a similar experience right after my graduation from University in 1995. I answered God’s call to join full-time ministry then.

I recognise, as I answer His second call, that this is another turning point for me, and a potentially life-changing moment.

As I brought the concerns of my heart to God, I asked Him, “But where are you, Lord?” He assured me through Isaiah 58:9a, “Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and he will say, ‘Here I am.’

Even as I have responded, “Hineni!”, the Great I AM responds similarly and makes Himself available to me.

This promise is for all who say, “Here am I!” to Him. He invites you to share your needs with Him.

I am grateful for Kok Hiang, who has led the ministry well for the past 14 years. He has been my discipler, mentor, boss and friend. Though our titles may change and our roles will soon be reversed, one thing remains—Kok Hiang and I are committed to working closely together to guide Cru Singapore to be faithful to its calling. As many of you have been blessed by his devotional letters, I have requested Kok Hiang to continue writing them.

Finally, we appreciate your prayers during this period of transition and are thankful for your partnership with Cru Singapore. 


Goh Hock Chye

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