
Moorings Staying The Course

Moorings – Staying the Course
is a compilation of devotional letters written by Lam Kok Hiang while he was the Country Leader of Cru Singapore, and now writes as Leadership Mentor. 

Like the first volume Moorings – Anchor for the Soul, Moorings – Staying the Course serves as a primer for contemplation. With fresh edits and the addition of reflection questions, this book can be used in your personal or group devotional time.

Moorings – Staying the Course is our fund-raising effort to raise $200,000 to help people know Jesus and Make Disciples Everywhere through our Reach-Build-Send initiatives. Moorings is not for sale but offered through love gifts.

In appreciation for your gift of $50 or more, we would like to send you a complimentary copy of this limited edition and leather-bound copy of Moorings – Staying the Course.

Thank you for your partnership in the gospel.

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