From the National Director


Recently, one of my mentors asked me to summarise my first year as the leader of Cru Singapore in one word. I thought for a moment, and replied, “Surprises!” 

When I stepped into the role in October 2020, I had expected that:

  • The Covid-19 pandemic would resolve before the end of 2021, yet it is still ongoing today. 

  • Ministry might be curtailed due to the pandemic, but it went further and wider than before. Staff across generations worked hard to continue making disciples. Even though some were fearful of new technology, everyone stepped up and embraced it. 

  • Certain decisions would be straightforward but they turned out to be a lot more complex. 

  • Donations would drop drastically, but God continued to provide and we still have enough in spite of a decline. 

Through it all, God has shown that He is doing a new thing using a new method for an unchanging purpose, as expressed in Isaiah 43: 19-21 (NIV) “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. The wild animals honour me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.”

A new thing. He initiates. Our part is to see and be conscious of what God is doing. Despite difficult circumstances, God still moves. If we do not pause, see, and reflect, we will miss out on the acts of our God’s powerful hands. By keeping an open mind and heart, we can actively listen and join God in His work.

A new method. He innovates. God’s way is always higher than ours and His wisdom beyond what we can fathom. We need to put our trust in Him and embrace His leading, be it an untested route or an out-of-the-box approach. In Him, we will find the courage to step out into uncharted waters. 

An unchanging purpose. He provides. He will supply the much-needed water in desolate places to turn wasteland into fruitfulness. Why? For His beloved people, the apple of His eyes! God remains faithful even when we are not. Our needs and welfare are always upon His unchanging Father’s heart. 

We were made for His Glory. We are His chosen people – created by Him to render Him praise. As we join Him in His work, we share His power and goodness with a world that is in ever greater need for His message of hope. Let us step in, embrace and praise Him who is the Initiator and Provider of all things!


Goh Hock Chye

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