Self-Study Guide and Group Discussion Questions

Review what the Bible has to say about walking in the Spirit.

Bill Bright

Self-Study Guide

1. How do the accounts of the following people demonstrate their walk in the Spirit?

a. Paul (Acts 18:4-11; Philippians 4)


b. Peter (Acts 3:1-26; 4:13)


c. Stephen (Acts 6:8-15; 7:51-60)


2. What does it mean to you to cast your cares upon the Lord? How can you do this?


3. What does the example of the vine and branches in John 15:1-8 mean to you in your Christian life?


4. How would you describe the effects of spiritual fitness as expressed in the concept of “spiritual breathing.” (Romans 14:23; 1 John 1:9; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Ephesians 5:18; 1 John 5:14-15)


5. What promise does God make to you in 1 John 2:1-6?


6. List any areas of your life in which self is on the throne — in which Jesus is not on the throne. What practical steps will you take this week to give Jesus Christ control of those areas where self is on the throne?


7. What armor used to defend yourself against the world, the flesh and the devil does Ephesians 6:11-18 describe?


8. What do these verses teach about the role of prayer in the life of the believer?

a. Hebrews 4:15-16


b. James 5:16


c. 1 Samuel 12:23


d. James 1:5


9. How can you experience the “abundant Christian life”? Does “abundant” mean that your life will be free from struggles and hardships? Explain.


10. What do these verses promise you as you trust God?

a. Job 12:9-10


b. Psalm 16:1


c. Ecclesiastes 2:24-26


d. Isaiah 40:10-11


e. Isaiah 41:10


11. What place do feelings have in a life of faith? What will result if you seek feelings over and above walking by faith?


12. What do these verses say about thanksgiving? What would result in your life if you failed to “give thanks in all circumstances?”

a. 1 Thessalonians 5:18


b. Philippians 4:11


c. Psalm 95:2


d. Philippians 4:6


13. How does Romans 8:28 have practical meaning in your life? What are some of the consequences of not applying this verse?


14. What does John 14:21 tell you about how to have an obedient walk with Christ?


Group Discussion Questions

1. Share a recent personal example of how you have applied spiritual breathing in your life. How has this helped your walk with God?


2. (If applicable) What is the advantage of teaching your children the concept of spiritual breathing at an early age? How can you implement this practice in your own family? How will breathing spiritually change your own family atmosphere?


3. Share an example of an area in your life where you are likely to depend on feelings rather than on faith in God’s Word.


4. The Bible says temptation comes to the Christian from the world, the flesh and the devil. Discuss how these sources particularly reveal themselves in today’s culture.


5. Relate an instance in your life in which you were especially aware that God supplied your needs. How did you give Him thanks?


6. Think of some practical ways to develop the habit of praising God. How is developing praise as a habit beneficial to your Christian walk?



Adapted from the Transferable Concept: How You Can Walk In The Spirit, by Dr. Bill Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. © Cru. All rights reserved.


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