From Genesis to Revelation

Day 1: Creation

Each day of this devotional series, we will consider key moments in God’s glorious plan to redeem us. We will understand both the overarching story of God and the highlights of all He’s done for us in Christ.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” – Psalm 19:1, New International Version

With a brilliant burst of light and matter, God’s voice sang our universe into existence. Our cosmic home is not an aimless accident but a masterful expression of God’s power and purpose.

From darkness came light. From chaos came order. From His dynamic imagination came all the flora, fauna and folks like you and me. From the unimaginable vastness of space to the quivers of a quark, His creation speaks to our hearts. 

The diverse beauty of the creation draws us to the divine Artist. Our souls respond naturally with wonder and worship. 

We also see purpose in His creation. He is the author of our whole world, including us, and therefore the ultimate authority on all things. So, whether I’m trying to understand astrophysics or why the sky is blue or why I do the things I do, He holds the answers.

I live in His universe, and if I’m wise, I will let the Creator reign in my life and re-create my heart.

Next: Even though everything God originally made was good, something happened that doomed us and our world to frustration.


  • What parts of His creation do you appreciate the most, and why? 
  • Can you share a time when an experience with nature drew you toward God?
  • We are caretakers of His creation. What implications does this have for how we live?
  • Do you believe that God knows what is best for us? Why or why not?

Going Deeper:





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