
CoJourners Transferable Concept

어디에서 시작 하는가-당신의 캠퍼스 사역을 시작 하 고 싶어

You're about to read a 16-page, full-color article that explains and teaches the CoJourners approach to evangelism. CoJourners is not an evangelism strategy. It is an equipping paradigm, which provides a way of thinking about and teaching conversational evangelism. This equipping paradigm consists of learning the four roles we play in relating to others in their spiritual journeys.

The Explorer: engages in significant conversations to discover and understand the spiritual journeys of others. Being an explorer involves active listening and asking questions.

The Guide: shows the way to faith in Christ. Being a guide involves sharing your life-story and articulating the gospel in conversationally appropriate ways.

The Builder: builds bridges over and beyond the issues and obstacles that hinder others in their journey to Christ. Being a bridge building involves prayer and gentle persuasion.

The Mentor: encourages others to follow Christ. Being a mentor involves helping others make relational connections to other believers and imparting foundational concepts for Christian living.

Download the CoJourners Transferable Concept (PDF) above or purchase nice glossy copies at the CruPress Store .



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