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FamilyLife launches the new "The Art of Marriage" media conference which can be scheduled anywhere as a 1-1/2 day, 6-session media event.
This is not replacing Weekend to Remember® marriage getaways. The former are held at hotels and cover entire weekends with excellent marriage material. Rather it is offering a more convenient and affordable option to invest in your marriage.
How is “The Art of Marriage” different than the normal “Weekend to Remember®”?
“The Art of Marriage” from FamilyLife is designed for use by churches, small groups, or as a community-wide event. It is built on the same biblically-based content as the hotel conference.
This 6-session, 1½ day event is designed to be hosted by people with a desire to bring help and hope to couples and strengthen marriages.
“The Art of Marriage” weaves together expert teaching, real-life testimonies, engaging stories, and humorous vignettes.
This new media conference is more of a cinema or movie-type event with dramas which bring home biblical principles in a fresh new way.
How much does it cost?
When is this media event available?
The official launch of the event is February 11, 2011, but now is the time to schedule it in your church and community. You can host the event any time after February 11, as well.
Where will this be shown?
FamilyLife hopes it will be shown in at least 1,000 venues, such as community halls, club houses, meeting rooms across the U.S. However, it is up to individual hosts within communities and churches to sign up and register a location.
Why is this event significant?
This conference is part of FamilyLife’s mission “to effectively develop godly families who change the world one home at a time."
Many key concepts which have been taught for more than 30 years at Weekend to Remember® marriage getaways are adapted into media. The advantages of these are both time effectiveness and a savings from higher registration and hotel costs.
Each session includes instruction and insights from well-known Bible teachers and pastors. Some of these include: Dennis and Barbara Rainey, Albert Mohler, Crawford Loritts, Voddie Baucham, Wayne and Margaret Grudem, and Michael Easley.
How can I host this event?
Follow the step-by-step process to host an event.
Discover significant yet simple ways to honor your mom on Mother’s Day this year.
Though we wish it were so, the reality of life is not always a Cinderella story. But during some difficult days, I learned there was something better than a magic wand to wave away my troubles.
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