Articles on Target-audience:marital-family-status/married

Growing Together in Christ

In marriage, the spiritual connection is as essential as the physical and emotional. Couples who share in each other’s spiritual development have discovered a key ingredient of true intimacy. Growing Together in Christ will help you pursue God together as a couple.

Our Connection

A one-of-a-kind 40-day Bible study and devotional to help couples connect during military deployment separation, and stay connected as they look forward to reintegration after the deployment separation period is over.

Defending the Military Marriage

Defending the Military Marriage is a small-group study designed to help a military couple defend their marriage with honor, guard it with vigilance, and preserve it with love.

Simply Romantic Nights: License 4 Creative Intimacy, Volume 2

Read the short booklet – either out loud together or separately. Select from the “his” and “her” date cards, to be planned by each spouse on an alternating basis.

Branches of Grace

What marriage has taught newlyweds about God.

Marriage: Figure Out Why You Fight

Learn to understand and resolve the most common disagreements in your marriage.

The Conflict Blame Game

Why we need Jesus when we want to point a blaming finger.

Fighting Fair in Marriage

Conflict begets conflict, and that's why every couple's focus should be on preventing conflict before it ever begins. Talk to each other, encourage and thank each other, and let grace abound.

6 Tips for Being a Godly Husband

A FamilyLife staff member offers six ways husbands can be godly in their role.

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