LiveSg Stories

Strength in Weakness. Ambassador for Christ

Precious lessons gleaned by a millenial in full-time Christian ministry

Millennials who join full-time Christian vocational ministry are a rare breed these days. Rebecca from Cru Singapore Campus Ministry forsook a potentially lucrative career trajectory to be a mentor for youths and young adults.

We caught up with her after a year in ministry to hear her experience thus far.

Hi Rebecca! What made you come on board Cru Singapore?

I have never imagined myself to be a full-time Christian worker actually. I was studying marketing and corporate communications in Singapore Management University (SMU) and had already decided to join a public relations (PR) agency upon graduation.

However, one night during my last internship, while staring at the computer screen, I heard God say that this would not be the path I was supposed to take. Subsequently, through my time with Him and a series of conversations and events that were not related in any ways, I saw His hand leading me towards full-time Christian vocational ministry.

How did you handle the anxiety and uncertainty that comes along with that decision?

God led me to John 6:67-69, in which the disciples responded to Jesus, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

When I read it, I felt God asking me a similar question: “After hearing my call and my words, do you want to go away? Or will you stay?” The disciples’ answer showed me that they stayed because they knew who Jesus was, even though the decision to stay was not a popular one. That knowledge of Christ’s identity and character became their source of confidence and strength, giving them enough assurance to say “yes” to what Jesus was asking them to do.

When that realisation hit me, a supernatural peace overwhelmed my heart. I knew that God was giving me the assurance that I can trust Him as I respond in obedience to what He was asking me to do.


Family support is vital for all Cru staff!


Could you share with us one significant outreach encounter you’ve had the past year?

Sure! During a campus-witnessing session in Nanyang Technological University (NTU), my colleague and I met a Mandarin-speaking lady who was waiting for her husband.

She was not a student, but she happened to be studying for an external English test. Although she was not a believer then, she was extremely open and started asking us questions about the Christian faith. We ended up inviting her for an evangelistic bible study which she happily agreed to.

During the first session, language proved to be an issue where both of us struggled to translate our points accurately. After the session however, as we chatted, she actually thanked us for reaching out and befriending her.

She struggled with finding the words to say, and ended up writing “I feel like I meet God” on the paper before giving us one of the most genuine and sincere smiles I’ve ever seen.

That moment stuck with me because the truth that God really uses us in our weaknesses truly hit home. It was also the first time I felt the honour and privilege of what it means to be an ambassador for Christ. Our interactions with others truly have the ability to point people to Him. It’s amazing how God can use our simple actions to reveal Himself in ways that we may not even grasp.

Thank you for reminding us that encouraging someone today is simply taking the initiative to step out in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the outcome to God! Lastly, could you share with us one lesson that you have learnt that will help other young Christian workers in Cru, parachurch organisations or churches? 

One lesson which I hold dearly to comes from an article I read, “The best thing you can do for those you are serving is to abide in Christ”. Although I’ve only been in full-time ministry for a year, I have to admit that there were many instances where my focus subconsciously shifted away from Christ, as ironic as it sounds.

I’m referring to the times where I find myself thinking that the best thing I can do for my disciples is to understand them more, or meet them more, or bring them out to evangelise more. Without realising, my focus shifted to what I can do for Christ instead of what Christ can do through me.

The lesson is clear in John 15, “without Me, you can do nothing”. This is a verse we often remember in situations where we really can do nothing. However, in situations where something can be done, we are also often tempted to shift the focus away from Him and take things into our own hands.


Rebecca having fun mentoring the NTU disciples!


Through this, I’ve learnt that the ministry belongs to God more than it belongs to us. Indeed, the best thing we can do for our disciples is to abide in Christ, and let Him be the one to do His work through our lives.

 We’re encouraged by your journey, Rebecca, and our prayer for you and all our young staff workers is for each of you to find fulfilment in Christ and experience deep joy while serving the Lord!

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David is an extroverted introvert who can rewatch Japanese dramas from the early 2000's over and over again. The one thing his fridge will never lack is a bag of potato chips. 

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