Knowing God

Join Us This Easter to Bring Jesus to 1 Million People

March 1, 2016

You can help make Jesus the ‘Talk of the Town’ this Easter

You are invited to be part of a concerted effort to share our faith by blogging, tweeting, posting and sharing the evangelistic video, #FallingPlates, on your social networks.

#FallingPlates is a simple, relevant and compelling way to share the gospel. In 4 minutes, this video it clearly explains our relationship with God and invites the viewer to a true and lasting relationship with Christ.

#FallingPlates has been seen more than 3,635,000 times – many expressing how it has influenced their lives. We desire for many more to become followers of Christ through watching this film.

You can play a part.

Tweet, Blog, Post or Share #FallingPlates on Good Friday (March 25)

Here's what you can do:

1. Share the video.

2. Mobilize others to join in this campaign.

  • Encourage others to join you, to share their faith using this film.
  • Make it a group activity with your church or ministry groups.

3. Watch and pray.

  • Anticipate what God will do through this effort.
  • Respond to your friends questions after they watch the video. Follow up with them.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit works in the hearts of those who watch it.

The best part is, #FallingPlates has already compiled some great ideas for sharing it.

Will you join us?

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